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$2.98 USD
This Wyrmtooth Gully Ambush 40×30 DnD Battlemap and more are in the The Biggest Battlemap Bundle Ever! – 940+ DnD Maps & Adventures for $79.99.
Two crushed wagons block the dirt road, the horses that once pulled them dead and covered in blood. The contents of barrels and crates have been scattered wildly.
Wagon wheel ruts cut through the road as it winds its way through this gully. Jagged rocky outcrops tower over those below, grown over with bushes, wildflowers and sparse trees.
This Wyrmtooth Gully Ambush 40×30 DnD Battlemap split into separate files for one-click home printing, as well as easy use in VTTs such as Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, and other VTT apps.
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