Great value DnD battlemap bundles with one-shot adventures
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Hamlet of Grimsby (Night) 30×20 DnD Battlemap


A light shines amidst the moonlit darkness; bringing a sense of assurance to the inhabitants, and acting as a beacon for stray travellers, lost in the surrounding wilderness.

Trails of smoke drift upon the wind, carrying with them the scents of warm food, and wood-fire. Though heavily fortified against the surrounding forest, with sharpened stakes and a palisade, the town of Grimsby—once inside—is quite homely.

Its frontier inhabitants learned long ago that one of the best ways to combat homesickness, was to bring a sense of their original homes with them. Though simple, most of the houses have rugs, and comfortable beds—some are even equipped with writing desks.

What You Will Receive

A battlemap split into separate files for one-click home printing, as well as easy use in VTTs such as Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, and other VTT apps.

The files are:
  • A home-printable, A4 .PDF of the gridded map at 300dpi, spread over several pages.
  • 300dpi gridded map A1 .JPEG (pre-scaled for easy poster printing).
  • 300dpi un-gridded map .JPEG for VTTs (super-high resolution and great for table TVs).
  • 72dpi .JPEG of the un-gridded map for VTTs (low file size, fantastic for online VTTs).


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